Thursday, January 30, 2020

Economics - Short Answers Essay Example for Free

Economics Short Answers Essay Answer #1 One of the problems that concern me right now would be the continuous increase of prices of petroleum products in the market which greatly affected my budget. Moreover, the said hike of oil prices causes our economy to perform badly for the past quarters which indirectly affects the prices of major commodities in the market like sugar, coffee, rice etc based from what I have read from the news papers and magazines. In this regard, oil price hike imposes negative externalities on our welfare –consumers. But to some extent, oil price hike also bring benefits to our economy in a form of forcing our federal government to find ways of providing alternative sources of energy aside from crude oil like bio-fuel. If it not for the price hikes of petroleum products in the market for the past decades, authorities would make no effort to find other sources of energy especially one that would serve as substitute for crude oil. After a few more decades, prices of petroleum products will start to decline as a consequence of emerging alternative sources of energy like bio-fuel as what I have said a while ago. Answer #2 One of the best examples of monopolists that currently exist in the market would be Microsoft Company. Microsoft Company serves to be the sole provider of Windows – software being used by almost all of personal computers around the globe. In this regard, the absence of other provider of Windows other than Microsoft makes the latter a monopolist catering for a large pool of buyers. Moreover, since Microsoft is the sole provider of Windows which we are all using nowadays, there is a great possibility for Microsoft to charge higher prices due to the absence of substitute goods for Windows. Furthermore, monopolists, because of its large market influence, can easily prevent new players to enter the industry of Software production giving them enough room to enjoy sole player in the market. Answer #3 Based from the negative effects that monopolists imposes not only to consumers but also to other market players, the federal government made necessary laws that would restrict the action of monopolists in the market creating enough way to protect the welfare of the consumers and other market players. One of the said laws could be the Anti-Trust Law. Anti-Trust Law is a bulk of laws that forbid unfair market competitions and anti-competitive behaviour of monopolists through illegalizing some practices of the latter that believed to hurt either or both businesses and consumers (U. S. Department of Justice, 1996). As for the case of labor monopolization of giant unions, I think we could also consider them as a source of potential negative effects just like of Microsoft as well as the misallocation of economic resources. The main reason here would be that, having a giant union monopolizing laborers in the market, there is a tendency that they will have a higher bargaining power on private firms of various industries, such as salary increase, which imposes negative effects on the operation of the businesses. At the end of the day, it is the consumers who will suffer from the actions of giant unions since the tendency of the private firms is to pass what ever the added costs they will incur from the said increase of bargaining power of labor unions. Answer #4  Another type of market structure aside from monopoly would be oligopoly. Oligopoly is a type of market structure wherein there is a few sellers and many buyers in market. As compared to monopoly, there exist market competition in oligopoly which improves the quality and quantity of goods and services in the market and so with the consumer welfare. One possible example of oligopoly would be Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is a retail stores and tagged as â€Å"the Giant Store† which leads the industry of retailing due to its large size relative to other retail stores in the industry. The only down turn here in oligopoly would be the possibility of collusion between those â€Å"few sellers† in the market in order for them to minimize competition and have control on the price level in the market. The said collusion of oligopolists is called cartel and this act in the market just like a monopoly. This is the reason why federal government is keeping an eye on oligopolists to prevent such scenario since cartel is no difference with monopoly. Answer #5 Yes, the local phone service market, which was dominated before by Bell, has a great possibility of reaching competitive market due to the forces of competition. With the existence of competition, the local phone service industry members would have to compete to one another in order to attract more customers in terms such as higher service quality and lower price. Those improvements in the service quality and lower price of local phone service would make the said industry competitive since consumer welfare will surely improve; and at the end of the day, societal welfare will start to improve along side with the local phone service industry itself. Answer #6  One of the ways for us to determine if the product differentiation of competitive firms us wasted or not would be to know if the consumers possess brand loyalty which is the main target of differentiating product from one another. Product differentiation serves as the â€Å"identity† of any firm belonging to the competitive market and that identity will stand as the â€Å"brand† for the private firm. Now, if consumers in the market do not have the sense of â€Å"brand loyalty†, then, there is a big possibility that the product differentiation of private firms will be deemed unsuccessful in penetrating its target consumers. Answer #7  OPEC has been successful in controlling the production of oil since it has a bargaining power superimpose on the government of various countries that supplies oil in the market. OPEC determines the market demand and supply existing in the world market and either they increase or decrease the oil supply depending on the season, economic stability of their member countries and volume of supply of oil-producing countries to the organization, moreover, there are times that OPEC regulated the supply of oil for precautionary reasons like during the times of war and during the times of potential shortage in the coming period. The only negative effect of OPEC’s intervention on our welfare, especially during the times when they cut the supply of oil in the world market, would be the high prices of petroleum products on our domestic market. Therefore, the reason why there is existing oil price hike in the market would be either OPEC cut the supply of oil in the world market which creates pressure for the prices of petroleum products to increase, or because of the economic and political instability of oil-producing countries which creates threats for oil supply shortage in the world market. At the end of the day, consumers will carry the burden of that economic and political instability of other country through the intermediation of OPEC in the world market for petroleum products. Answer #8 The reason behind the success of Wal-Mart for the past years lies on its market share and size which provide rooms for further lowering down the prices of their goods relative to their competitors. Because of the large market size and share of Wal-Mart, they have been able to have more bargaining power to their suppliers in a form of price discounts since once Wal-Mart buys products to their suppliers; millions of volumes of goods are at stake. This is the reason why suppliers would want to supply Wal-Mart due to large volume of order that they can get once they were able to close a deal with the management of the Giant. At the end of the day, those price discounts that Wal-Mart was able to receive from their suppliers will give them enough room to further set the prices of their products lower as compared to their competitors, thereby, attracting more customers which eventually lead to experiencing high company growth in terms of profitability and sales volume.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Names in Shirley Jacksons The Lottery :: Shirley Jackson Lottery Essays

One of the leaders and important man of the town is Mr. Summers.   Summer is a   season of the year.   It is the season of growing, the season of life.   His name   represents partly the old pagan fertility ritual because the harvest that is being sacrificed to is being grown in the summer.   This is supposedly, according to Old Man Warner, what the lottery held each year was all about.   But, in this case, the harvest should be fine because the setting of the story tells us that â€Å"the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green† (74).   Mr. Summers did many things to slowly ween the old tradition, the old harshness, out of the ordeal.   He had the wooden chips replaced with more convienent slips of paper.   He also â€Å"spoke frequently...about making a new box† (75), so, therefore, he also represented new ideas as well as old.   The new ideas that the close-minded village people would not accept.   If given the chance, Mr.   Summers would have more than likely accepted and backed the motion to cease the   lottery and stop the sacrifice.   Even though he conducted the lottery which someone was sacrificed (murdered) he is seen as one of the most innocent characters because of his â€Å"new† ideas and wishes for something better.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mr. Summers, with all of his importance, had someone over him though.   Mr. Graves, the postmaster, must have been of more importance and power than he   because Mr. Summers had to be sworn in by Mr. Graves before he could have the right to be the official of the lottery.   As the reader might easily derrive, Mr. Graves symbolizes the sacrificial killing being caused by the lottery.   His superiority over Mr. Summers is also symbolic.   It shows how the sacrifice and the lottery in itself is more important than the new ideas presented by Mr. Summers and a few other villagers.   But, Mr. Graves has many more villagers behind him sharing his views.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of these is Old Man Warner.   Mr. Warner is the oldest man in town and, therefore, having the most knowledge of what the original tradition was all about.   He lets us know that there has â€Å"always been a lottery† (77).   He is repetadly shown â€Å"warning† the younger parents and the younger generation of what they are in for if they do away with the lottery.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Apparent Benefits Of Digital Mammography Health And Social Care Essay

DM separates the procedures of image acquisition, processing and show more than is possible with FM. In FM, the x-ray beginning is turned on, energy is converted from the x-ray beam ( which has radiated through the tight chest ) into light via a phosphor screen, which so exposes a difficult transcript movie, held within the screen ( Carlton & A ; Adler, 2006 ) . The movie is processed chemically and an image is developed. Digital Mammography includes either computed skiagraphy ( CR ) or digital skiagraphy ( DR ) . CR uses really similar equipment to mammography undertaken through conventional skiagraphy and involves a photostimulable phosphor home base cassette-based digital skiagraphy system, in which imagination home bases are run through a computing machine scanner that reads and digitalises the image ( Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz, 2009 ) . All other signifiers of digital mammography are called DR, where digital x-ray detectors are used alternatively of traditional photographic mov ie. Both DR and CR are frequently used in a diagnostic scene, while DR is peculiarly suited to a showing scene ( Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz, 2009 ) . A screening mammogram is performed routinely and harmonizing to BreastScreen Australia, adult females over 50 old ages old require one every two old ages. Unlike movie, the electric signal ( DM produces when the x-ray photons hit the digital sensor ) is linearly relative to the strength of the x-ray resulting in a wider dynamic scope for digital images ( 1000:1 ) than for movies ( 40:1 ) ( Dershaw, D. 2006 ) . This equates to a higher contrast declaration, which is peculiarly of import in imaging younger adult females who normally have heavy chests. However, another factor in image quality, spacial declaration, is superior in FM. Because spacial declaration depends on pixel size in DM and on the size of the grains in the emulsion on the screen in FM, spacial declaration is better enhanced in movie ( Dershaw, D. 2006 ) . Spatial declaration is of import in naming calcifications and other little characteristics in the image. Despite DM ‘s huge post-processing abilities, FM has a greater truth of structural lines recorded, or spacial declaration, of an image. Could the deficiency in the spacial frequence in DM be justified by the ad vanced contrast declaration? Both ( Kim, et al. , 2006 ) and Dershaw, D, ( 2006 ) found several surveies which show that despite the restricting lower spacial declaration of DM, visibleness of calcifications on DM is non significantly different from that on FM. In add-on, both Pisano, Gatsonis, & A ; Hendrick, ( 2005 ) and Skaane, et al. , ( 2008 ) province DM ‘s far superior contrast declaration ( when comparing to FM ) is various in that during the processing of DM, contrast can be enhanced in the countries that are heavy. In April 2004, Melbourne ‘s Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre became the first Australian site to offer digital mammography ( DM ) ( Pun, Lau, Cassumbhoy, Taranto, & A ; Pitman, 2007 ) . The figure of Digital Mammography units bought throughout Australia is rapidly increasing and the conventional film-screen methods of mammography are going out dated. However, the axial rotation out of digital mammography was at hand due to marketing techniques by industries ( Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz, 2009 ) . Both Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz ( 2009 ) and BreastScreen ( 2008 ) outline the considerable figure of mammograms taken each twelvemonth. Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz ( 2009 ) describes the figure to be every bit high as 1.5 million mammography scrutinies undertaken each twelvemonth through both showing and diagnosing. BreastScreen Victoria is portion of the free national chest malignant neoplastic disease testing plan for adult females, known as BreastScreen Australia. The Victorian plan was established in 1992 and is jointly funded by the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments ( BreastScreen, 2008 ) . The plan services adult females under the age of 50 and offers a free mammogram every two old ages to test for chest malignant neoplastic disease. The Government has been funding the digital ascent of BreastScreen Australia from 2006 and has already financed $ 120 million towards the national promotion ( Ageing, 2010 ) . However, Pisano E.D. , et al. , ( 2005 ) discusses, utilizing informations from The Digital Mammographic Imaging Screening Trail ( DMIST ) , the fact that for adult females over 50 old ages old, there was no important difference in diagnostic truth between DM and FM. There is much literature sing the effectivity of testing through DM in older adult females. As mentioned antecedently, BreastScreen testing is applicable for adult females over the age of 50, even though Pisano E.D. , et al. , ( 2005 ) found there was no important difference between DM and FM in adult females over 50 old ages old. Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz ( 2009 ) discovered there were advantages of utilizing FM over DM in ages over 50 old ages old because of the chest composing. It is interesting to farther note in a more recent article by Pisano E.D. , et al. , ( 2008 ) , the writer agrees that in older adult females ‘film tended to execute better for adult females aged 65 old ages or older with fatty chests. ‘ Karssemeijer, et al. , ( 2009 ) describes the aged chest as been less-dense and besides agreed on FM to be the superior unit for chest malignant neoplastic disease testing in ages over 65. Tosteson, et al. , ( 2008 ) steadfastly established ‘for adult fem ales aged 65 old ages or older, it seemed improbable that DM testing offered a mensurable wellness benefit ‘ . Karssemeijer, et al. , ( 2009 ) includes presently 48 per cent of chest malignant neoplastic diseases occur in adult females over 65 old ages old therefore it is of import the age group is imaged right. Both Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz ( 2009 ) and Tosteson, et al. , ( 2008 ) argue that relative to FM, testing for chest malignant neoplastic disease utilizing DM is non cost-efficient due to the inferior quality of imaging less-dense chests over the age of 65. Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz ( 2009 ) conducted an Australian reappraisal that examined the economic value of DM in testing through BreastScreen Australia. Harmonizing to Siemens monetary value scopes for 2010, A new MammoMat DR mammography unit will be up to AU $ 414 000, ( HCN, 2009 ) . A FM unit costs around $ 80 000, ( Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz, 2009 ) . Extra costs for both FM and DM include a movie processor and roller viewing audiences ( FM ) and pressmans, proctors and a image file awaying and communicating system ( PACS ) equipment ( DM ) , observing that PACS can be of to $ 800 000 to set-up, ( Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz, 2009 ) . Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz ( 2009 ) calculated the costs of each DM and FM scrutiny: DM ( D R ) being $ 110.36 per patient and FM $ 73.95 per patient. Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz ( 2009 ) explains that larger sections can afford the passage: ‘larger chest malignant neoplastic disease testing services may be better able to absorb the fiscal impact of presenting DM than little Centres. ‘ Further guess has surfaced sing the scrutiny times in the transition from film-screen to digital mammography signifiers. Not merely is the cost exacerbated but articles have besides been written claiming that many Radiologists might take longer to set to the alteration in engineering, when comparing the passage to digital general X ray ( Grady, 2008 ) . An writer, Denise Grady reported an addition in recall rates among adult females, who ‘were finally found to hold nil incorrect. ‘ She claims the job is that radiotherapists, seting from one medium to another and frequently holding to compare consequences between the two, may construe images more cautiously and ‘play it safe ‘ by bespeaking extra X raies, ultrasounds, or biopsies ( Grady, 2008 ) . This passage from FM to DM is besides outlined by the mean times taken reading the mammogram: 5 proceedingss DM verses 3 proceedingss FM for testing times and 24 proceedingss DM verses 15 proceedingss FM ( Wang, Merli n, & A ; Kreisz, 2009 ) . Haygood, Wang, Lane, Galvan, & A ; Atkinson, ( 2010 ) besides agree in the drawn-out use of DM. The article, comparing DM with FM, found DM six-view images ( three projections of each chest ) could take more than seven times longer than FM images to convey the images up in fit-in show manner, pan through them and set alternator panels and visible radiations. However, Thompson, D, ( 2006 ) justifies the drawn-out passage because of the digital use of the image, declaring that on the whole DM promises to better diagnosings and lead to earlier intervention of chest malignant neoplastic disease.Existing literature to place current positionExisting Australian literature on the cost-effectiveness of exchanging from FM to DM is limited because the first Australian site has merely been unfastened for six old ages. American research is taking the manner in respects to the advantages and restrictions of DM. This is most likely because of the October 2008 figure of 43 per cent American mammography clinics holding at least one DM machine ( Haygood, Wang, Lane, Galvan, & A ; Atkinson, 2010 ) . Many articles have been written in the USA detailing the evident advantages of DM: immediate digital-image acquisition, superior contrast sweetening, storage and retrieval capacity, displayable in multiple formats, real-time reading of mammograms at distant sites, tele-radiology and computer-aided sensing equipment is going more available. Regardless of the legion benefits of DM, American articles have besides argued the cost of DM testing including surveies by Tosteson, et al. , ( 2008 ) and Pisano E.D. , et al. , ( 2008 ) . Back in Australia, mammography demands for showing intents differ somewhat to those in America, due to BreastScreen Australia being to the full funded by the Australian Government. Therefore, farther research must be undertaken refering the cost-effectiveness of transforming BreastScreen Australia ‘s mammography units into DM. And computations of the per centum of adult females over 65 who presently use BreastScreen Australia ‘s services must be found to further analyze the economic value of DM in BreastScreen Australia testing Centres.Proposed Research Study ( Semester Two )Restrictions to the passage from DM to FM must be acknowledged. An obvious limitation is that FM is no longer being researched or advanced by makers and is bit by bit going disused. This is why my research undertaking in semester two will concentrate on farther researching the disadvantages of DM within the age group of over 65, to find why DM is n't suited to this age group and to better DM ‘s capablenesss to include all age-groups. This research needs to be undertaken before FM ( the gold criterion in mammography for over 65 twelvemonth olds ) becomes superseded.DecisionWith DM endangering to to the full replace FM, farther research has to be performed to cut down the disadvantages of DM including: lower degree of spacial declaration, inferior ability in imaging less-dense chests and economical value. Currently, considerable grounds opposing the usage of DM over FM showing of adult females over 65 old ages old is outlined by the writers: Tosteson, et al. , ( 2008 ) , Karssemeijer, et al. , ( 2009 ) , Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz ( 2009 ) , and Pisano E.D. , et al. , ( 2008 ) . Extra research must be conducted in countries of bettering DM in adult females aged over 65 old ages old in order to specify DM as the gilded criterion in chest showing. Word count: 1957

Monday, January 6, 2020

How Does One Find the Miraculous in the Common Essay example

How does one find the miraculous in the common? Associated with spontaneous wonders, miraculous is far from the ordinary. This is a sound comparison, although Transcendentalist poet Ralph Waldo Emerson would call the previous statement a fallacy. This is due to his belief of finding the miraculous in the common as â€Å"the invariable mark of wisdom†. Emerson along with Henry David Thoreau and Annie Dillard all answered in regards to finding such miracles. These three authors have displayed their reasoning in their popular works. With the works of Self Reliance and Nature, Ralph Waldo Emerson defined how one would find the miraculous in the ordinary. Emerson does not pose what common miracles are but teaches the readers how to find the†¦show more content†¦Such as the puzzle of a large tree falling into the woods and who would hear it, the happenings inâ€Å"Nature† is open to everyone but only the people possessing the traits in â€Å"Self-Reliance† wi ll be able to appreciate it fully. Emerson may have the ideas of what qualities a common miracle would have but it was Thoreau who puts the ideas to the test. Henry David Thoreau, follower of Emerson’s ideas, wrote Walden (Life in the Woods )as a result of his experiment to find extraordinary in the ordinary. This experiment was Thoreau living at Walden Pond in Concord,Massachusetts for two years and two months. What Thoreau found in his experience was the joys of simplicity and the expansion of the concepts presented in Emerson’s work. In the passage titled â€Å"Economy†, Thoreau describes the effort he put in building his house and the cost of it all. Although the price of the materials is cheap, totaling up to a whopping â€Å"$28.12  ½Ã¢â‚¬  (Thoreau 384)., the work Thoreau put into this house and the feeling of accomplishment for him was priceless. Thoreau expressed his concern of other not awed by the pure joy of creating a house by questioning, â₠¬Å"Shall we forever resign the pleasure of construction to the carpenter? What does architecture amount to in the experience of the mass of men?† (Thoreau 312). Although building a house may seem like a simple man’s task, ThoreauShow MoreRelatedLanguage Arts Topic : Micro Teach Character Identification938 Words   |  4 PagesCourtney Roy September 29, 2014 Grade Level: Fourth Subject: Language Arts Topic: Micro-Teach-Character Identification Purpose: To help students better understand characters actions and motivates through character’s traits, within a story. Common Core Standard(s): English/Language Arts: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.4.3: Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character s thoughts, words, or actions). 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