Friday, October 11, 2019

Small Pox Journal :: Journals Diary Small Pox Essays

Small Pox Journal April 22, 2005--I had a long week so I decided I should write about it on my web journal. After having several papers, quizzes, and having to work 40 hours I have been feeling a little under the weather. However, I mostly assume it has been from the lack of sleep I have been getting. But no worries, since I intend on making it up during the weekend. But tonight I have decided to party it up and go to my friend's apartment. Till then I'll just take some aspirin and lay down till I go out. I'm sure I will be fine by then. April 23, 2005--Well to recap last night events, I woke up from my nap; the aspirin appeared to have not worked. I was feeling really achy but I did not let that impede my wanting to party. I asked my mom to feel my forehead, to see if I was hot, and she confirmed it. So I decided to take my temperature, 102 degrees, not good. But I still went to the party, being stubborn. I ended up drinking too much, to try and ease the achy feeling, and it did not sit well. I ended up having to throw up in the bushes. People were laughing at me, telling me I could not handle my liquor. Ha-ha, it was funny though. April 24, 2005--However, when I did wake up I noticed some kind of bumps forming in my mouth. This is really strange since I never have had bumps like these in my mouth. Oh well, I am sure they will go away in a few days. I am not feeling well at all. I don't think it was just the long week that was affecting my health, but I might be genuinely sick, maybe just a fever or the flu? My girlfriend told me she has been going through the same thing. I don't think this is a good sign. However, being a typical guy I will wait it out and see what develops. April 25, 2005--Still feeling unwell and apparently the bumps in my mouth seem to be breaking, which I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not. There were several of them and only but a few have yet to burst.

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